Your photo does not need to be professionally taken and can be taken from your phone or personal camera.   However, make sure your photo meets all the following requirements:

Photo Clarity:

  1. Ensure the photo is clear, well-lit, and high-resolution.
  2. Avoid shadows or glare on the face, ensuring facial features are distinguishable.

Facial Expression:

  1. Maintain a neutral facial expression, avoiding extreme smiles or frowns.
  2. Ensure the entire face is visible, and eyes are open and easily identifiable.

Head Position:

  1. Capture a straightforward, full-face view with the head centered in the frame.
  2. Avoid titling the head at extreme angles; maintain a natural and upright position.


  1. Use a plain, white-colored background.
  2. Eliminate any distracting objects or patterns in the background.


  1. Wear professional attire that adheres to the organization’s dress code.
  2. Avoid clothing that may obscure facial features or clash with the background.


  1. Remove accessories such as hats or sunglasses that may obstruct the face.
  2. Religious headwear is permitted, provided it does not obscure facial features.


  1. If wearing glasses, ensure they do not obscure the eyes or create glare.
  2. Consider removing glasses for the photo to prevent reflections.


  1. Hair should be neatly groomed and not cover the face.
  2. Avoid extreme hairstyles that may obscure facial features.
