What Is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Multi-Factor Authentication (also known as 2-Factor Authentication) is a secondary method to identify yourself when logging into remotely using VPN or Citrix.  Using an app on your cell phone, every time you login to VPN or Citrix, you will get a different unique 6-digit code. 

How To Enroll in MFA?

Step 1:  Using your smart phone, please open up the App Store and type in the search area: FortiToken Mobile.  Once found, press the Get or Install button to install the app on your phone. Sidenote:  For iOS devices (such as iPhone or iPads you will need to go to the Apple App Store.  For Android devices, you will need to go to the Google Play Store).

Step 2:  Open up the FortiToken Mobile app and press on Allow.

Step 3:  Press on Scan Barcode at the bottom left of your screen.  Your phone’s camera will be activated.

Open your e-mail on your computer.  You will receive an e-mail from Prime-MFA <token-activation@voa.org>. Double click to open up the attached QR code.

You can now use your cellphone’s camera to scan the QR code in the e-mail attachment area.

Once you have enrolled successfully, you will need a 6-digit code in the FortiToken app.  Friendly reminder that this code will change every time you login using VPN, Webmail, and/or Citrix.  Sidenote:  If you don’t see the code, you can press the eye icon to reveal it.